回复 :情感小组主理人白鸽(王玥兮 饰)得知,小组成员舒然(周楚濋 饰)遭遇了婚姻危机,其丈夫刘洋(董畅 饰)竟在舒然提出离婚后,亲手将外遇对象溺死在自家浴缸中……
回复 :当她的父母在一场突然的车祸中丧生时,电视演员弗兰基·金(Alana Hawley Purvis饰)在与家人疏远20年后回到了她位于阿尔伯塔省农村的家乡,面对这场悲剧。当她挣扎着与哥哥格雷森(乔·佩里饰)重新建立联系时,旧伤重新被揭开,家庭秘密被揭开。
回复 :Nina is twelve years old and her world has just been shattered to smithereens: Her parents’ marriage has broken down and they are getting a divorce. After his internationally successful debut Miracle Juraj Lehotský now brings us an intimate drama in which the viewer looks upon the world and the selfish, visionless behaviour of adults through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. A girl who is resilient and belligerent, but also vulnerable and just as fragile as the miniature world she creates for herself in the garden shed.