回复 : 德云社孟鹤堂周九良相声专场杭州站爆笑来袭。本场节目包括孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《特工学院》;高玉凯、王善勇表演的《出口成章》;孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《当行论》;刘九儒、孙九香表演的《我要锻炼》;孟鹤堂、周九良表演的《爆竹声声》;樊霄堂、张霄帅表演的《学英语》。精彩敬请期待。
回复 :该节目为中国首档音乐团体竞演节目。节目集结了近两年各大平台产出的最顶尖的音乐团体,他们来源不同、品类不同、阶段不同,将在1V1极限赛制挤压下,带来音乐团体舞台的极致碰撞,呈现团体舞台的极致魅力和凝聚力,卸下光环正面刚,以实力角逐“炙热团王”荣誉。5月13日,节目官宣首发音乐团体阵容为人气团体R1SE、SNH48 GROUP、盘尼西林、SING女团、BlackACE、sis。6月12日、6月26日“炙热高能团”火箭少女101、上海室内彩虹合唱团先后降临炙热舞台。7月23日,在“炙热团王诞生夜”上,最终上海彩虹室内合唱团摘得“炙热团王”桂冠。
回复 :Man runs with hand in front of face away from explosion as seen on Against The Elements (DCL)Against the Elements reveals the science behind the most heart-stopping natural disasters ever captured on camera.Discovery Channel’s groundbreaking forensic investigations reveal what caused these catastrophes and what we've learned from past disasters to protect us in the future.We'll meet the people who survived against overwhelming odds and we'll talk to scientists and experts who've dedicated their lives to understanding these amazing natural phenomena.The forces of earth, water, wind and fire impact us all every day ... sometimes benignly, sometimes deadly. And it's in that instant, that moment when ordinary weather turns extraordinary, that we realise life is an ongoing battle ... Against the Elements.