Netflix出品的纪录片,传教讲述美国业余篮球竞技联盟对美国篮球发展和篮球球员的重要性等等。通过企业家Jon Pan的角度讲述美国业余篮球竞技联盟中的球员本身、传教联盟以及赞助商之间的竞技和合作关系。
Netflix出品的纪录片,传教讲述美国业余篮球竞技联盟对美国篮球发展和篮球球员的重要性等等。通过企业家Jon Pan的角度讲述美国业余篮球竞技联盟中的球员本身、传教联盟以及赞助商之间的竞技和合作关系。
回复 :东赤胜、朱仲、君孙泰是三个从小一起长大的好朋友,在混乱颠倒的年代里,三个少年混迹街头,穿梭于刀光剑影之中,依靠暴力闯荡江湖。长大后,三人一同拜入全罗道黑帮头目金勇息的门下。十年风雨路,他们对老大忠心耿耿,彼此间的兄弟情谊也愈加深厚。某日,赤胜因刺杀某帮派头目而被判入狱七年,在监狱中他偶然见到原本以为早已死掉的孙泰,大喜过望。另一方面,金勇息并不在乎手下小弟的忠心,这个唯利是图的黑帮分子和赤胜刺杀的帮派头目媾和,由此获取对方迷幻药的经营权,而代价则是除掉赤胜,赤胜的父母也因此身亡。遭到背叛的赤胜和孙泰等狱中好友策划逃亡,而他也将宿命地面对自己的兄弟朱仲……
回复 :Joseon's most popular girl Hwang Jini.Her sensory and critical game starts now!In the middle of the Joseon times, Song-do's gisaeng Jini was skilled in painting and caligraphy. Unlike other gisaengs, she was also intelligent and well educated enough to be called the best out of the Best Three. Byeok Gye-soo is is a scholar who comes down from Hanyang to attend a ball. Unlike his rowdy friends, he has integrity and loves to be around nature. He hears about Jini and his friends get him caught up in a bet that he won't be seduced by her...
回复 :Winter 1839. LIBERTY, MISSOURI. Local jailer, Samuel Tillery (Jasen Wade) is tasked with watching Missouri's most wanted men as they await their upcoming hearing. Caught between the local Missourians' increased drive to remove the prisoners, and the prisoners' desperate efforts to survive, Tillery is pushed beyond what any lawman can endure. Based on actual recorded accounts, OUT OF LIBERTY is an intense, evocative western, with an outcome you have to see to believe.