缘语An undercover cop teams up with a martial-arts expert to stop a gang of drug smugglers and car thieves.
缘语An undercover cop teams up with a martial-arts expert to stop a gang of drug smugglers and car thieves.
回复 :纽顿一家人开著旅行车展开长途探亲之旅,除了一家之主李查以外,其他的家庭成员都以为这会是一段单调无聊的假期,没想到上路没多久,出现了一名意外的旅客──贝多芬,它不但巨大,一直流口水,食量惊人,又擅长闯祸,美好的假期眼看就要演变成一场大灾难。就在贝多芬在纽顿家的地位快不保时,出现了两名恶贼,计画对纽顿一家人下手,贝多芬会如何教训这两名恶贼,保护纽顿一家人呢?
回复 :第77届奥斯卡终身成就奖获得者西德尼·吕美特(《十二怒汉》、《黄金万两》)经典之作获戛纳电影节最佳男演员奖(拉尔夫·理查森、贾森·罗巴兹、迪安·斯托克韦尔三位男演员同获)、最佳女演员奖(凯瑟琳·赫本)奥斯卡最佳女主角提名 凯瑟琳·赫本影片改编自获诺贝尔文学奖的美国剧作家尤金·奥尼尔的同名自传戏,将一个男人自家中不可告人的秘密毫不留情、赤裸裸地公诸于世。这是一部关于一个戏剧演员青春岁月和他的家庭的伦理片,往事如同幽灵一样纠缠著他,彷佛在他心灵深处跟他在作祟,如果他不倾诉出来,就永远无法安宁。影片立意深刻,细致感人,几位演员的表演精彩绝伦,颇具震撼力。
回复 :A young working woman has to follow obscure advice by an old sage in order to prevent a worst-case scenario. A returning nightmare of a family home built by her deceased mother for the still-living father in the hereafter gives her and her fortune teller the necessary instructions. A loving, yet complex tale of the new Thai middle class. Houses are built, family members live in parallel worlds and the presence is a very Asian mix of the 19th and 21st Centuries.