大秀A priest with extraordinary skills to solve cold cases is in the trail of his new case. Will he be able to crack this?
大秀A priest with extraordinary skills to solve cold cases is in the trail of his new case. Will he be able to crack this?
回复 :Jason Darcie在他试图自杀前,留给了妻子Lara一本神秘笔记本,暗示了多年前他妹妹的死并非一场意外,可能跟自己有关。为了弄清丈夫的黑暗过去和自杀的秘密,Lara回到了Jason生活过的小镇。那里,Jason的父亲年事已高并已住进了老年护理之家,只剩下Jason的弟弟Grady能帮她解开笔记中秘密,但是......Lara还不知道自己已激怒了最危险的人.(译:sky200700
回复 :Genre cinema lends itself to fruitful experimentation and Vourdalak is a prime example, offering ample opportunities for it along with dark, profound chills and a delightful Gothic atmosphere. A father returns from the war to his children (now as a vourdalak), dead yet alive, while simultaneously, an envoy of the King of France arrives at their secluded forest home. Profoundly ...
回复 :1990年阿诺·施瓦辛格主演的《幼儿园特警》令观众见识到这位动作演员的搞笑与柔情;25年后《幼儿园特警2》开拍,不过主演、导演均已换人做。出演了《敢死队》系列的瑞典动作演员杜夫·龙格尔接过施瓦辛格的衣钵,继续扮演在幼儿园办案的警员,影片导演则由唐·迈克尔·保罗(《九死一生》)担任。影片剧本由《美国派2》编剧David H. Steinberg操刀,就目前透露的故事梗概来看,影片主线与前作十分相似。片中杜夫·龙格尔扮演的警探与他的印度裔搭档正在追踪一个存有联邦证人保护计划相关文件的闪存盘,所有的线索都指出这份闪存盘可能出现在幼儿园中。龙格尔为了追回光盘去到幼儿园当起了老师,顺便跟幼儿园老师谈谈情,再顺手抓住坏蛋。影片目前已经在温哥华开拍,相关片场照也已曝光。据悉影片将于明年发行,但《幼儿园特警2》很有可能不会公映,而直接通过家庭视频点播发行。