年生A man struggles to sell his house that is haunted so he arranges four people to live in the house for a few days to prove that there are no ghosts.
年生A man struggles to sell his house that is haunted so he arranges four people to live in the house for a few days to prove that there are no ghosts.
回复 :比利时一家少管所,16岁男孩乔正为重返社会做准备,他不确定铁丝网的另一端会是怎样。但当另一个男孩威廉搬进隔壁房间后,对自由的渴望变得不再迫切。他们一起纹身、打闹、嘻哈,就像形影不离的兄弟。两个被外部世界放弃的年轻人找到了彼此,并且孕育出毫不妥协的爱情观:高墙之后,激情永远比自由更重要……
回复 :The beautiful Shizuka Himanoki has been saving herself for a boy she met twelve years ago. They made a promise back then, and she’s determined to keep it. But when she finally tracks him down, she catches him in the act with another woman. Where can a nineteen-year- old virgin turn for solace?
回复 : 故土在战争中沦陷,大学被占领、被炸毁。一群十八九岁的青年学生,他们匆匆出发,徒步南迁,横穿湘黔滇,最终在昆明高原组建临时大学——由清华、北大、南开联合成立的西南联大。 他们穿过一座城去听“史上最好的国文课”,听托赛里的《小夜曲》,也和先生们一起抱着书跑警报、加入飞虎队. ..... 对这些今已年过九旬的“九零后”老人而言,西南联大不是一段尘封的历史,而是依然鲜活如初的青春记忆。 杨振宁、许渊冲、潘际銮、杨苡、王希季、马识途......16位平均年龄超过96岁的联大学子联袂“出演”,带你回到那个战火纷飞、群星闪耀的年代。