回复 :Two detectives are called to a small mining town in the Asturian mountains where a young woman who had been left for dead for months has suddenly appeared, leaving the detectives to question what dark forces are at work.
回复 :在现代世界安然平和的背后隐藏着炎黄和蚩尤两族之争,为了炎黄族安全与荣誉而战的圣战士慕宇哲因小姨萧寒与女友季然的相继牺牲而陷入痛苦与消沉之中,却意外得知蚩尤族野心不死,甚至密谋更邪恶的阴谋,一番痛苦抉择之后,他加入到新的作战团队之中,与辰翊凌、季星、酷里、小月重回战场。这是一个关于年轻人冒险精神、兄弟情谊、种族荣誉的故事,他们为了与生俱来的使命、为了保护自己爱的人、为了天下苍生而选择了并肩战斗,以此抵御摧毁着蚩尤族的邪恶阴谋。
回复 :Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhood. As children, they promised each other to stick together no matter what. But as they're about to turn 17, their friendship is shaken when Mikuan falls for a white boy, and starts dreaming of leaving the reserve that's now too small for her dreams.