高颜Maden, 17 years old. Summer holidays on the island. She is waiting for the mail. Between her room and the beach, between her father and cousins, the house, and, very close, the prison.
高颜Maden, 17 years old. Summer holidays on the island. She is waiting for the mail. Between her room and the beach, between her father and cousins, the house, and, very close, the prison.
回复 :Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible, Mickey is something we all share, with unique memories and feelings. Over the course of his nearly century-long history, Mickey functions like a mirror, reflecting our personal and cultural values back at us.
回复 :黑斯廷斯上尉应波洛之邀,在事隔多年后回到了现已是乡间旅馆的斯泰尔斯庄园——这对老朋友初次相遇并共同经历第一桩谋杀案件的地方。然而,令满心憧憬着与波洛及女儿朱迪斯相聚的上尉始料未及的是,比上次更加凶险的谋杀正等待着他的到来。原来,波洛追寻一个手法高超的谋杀犯来到此地,希望阻止罪行的发生。身体每况愈下的他要求黑斯廷斯的协助。但波洛拒绝透露凶手,只断定凶手就是旅馆中的某一个人……
回复 :苏联女学生柳德米拉·帕夫利琴科在一次射击游戏中无意间发现了自己的射击天赋,1941年她不顾家人反对毅然参军。帕夫利琴科成长为全苏联最出色的狙击手,同时她被德军视为不惜一切代价也要除掉的巨大的威胁。柳德米拉遇到一名男子并坠入爱河。然而,好景不长,战争过去,厄运却再次降临……