回复 :《蓝胡子的第八任妻子》整个故事是对清教徒社会风气的嘲讽:既然影坛的清洁运动如火如荼,连在婚姻注册署办了正式手续的结发夫妻也被剥夺同睡一张床的权利,那干脆拍部太太不肯圆房的戏好了,包保没有触犯禁忌的危险。拥有七次辉煌婚姻纪录的富贵男主角,终于排除万难把心仪的女子追到手,但疑神疑鬼的第八任妻子虽然愿意结婚,却觉得他无论如何不会相信自己嫁入豪门为的不是钱,于是坚持守身如玉,要直到证实他不再对自己的真心存疑,才肯在床上尽做妻子的义务。脱了裤子放屁的桥段,由别的导演处理大概凶多吉少,然而由刘别谦烹调,就是一道色香味俱全的佳肴——“多此一举”甚至成了对可怜复可笑的男主角的挖苦。
回复 :San Francisco Tong hatchet man Wong must execute his boyhood friend Sun. Sun knew his time was up and wrote out his will just prior to Wong showing up at his door. When Sun realizes Wong is there to kill me he tries to set his friend's mind at ease by telling him he is the beneficiary of all Sun's worldly possessions and convinces Wong to promise to take care of Sun's young daughter, Toya San who Sun has bequeathed to become his wife. Years later, when she becomes of age, she marries Wong, now a powerful figure, though she loves evil Harry. When Wong learns Toya will be happier with Harry he allows them to leave. Still later Wong learns that Harry has been deported and since Toya could not prove she was married to someone else she too was deported to China. When Wong learns of this, he goes after them.
回复 :以时尚编辑和情感专栏作家苏小曼的情感经历和情爱试验为叙事线索,展现和揭示了社会各阶层不同的生活状态和内心世界,如娱乐圈导演、IT宅男、民企老板等,对现实充满了批判思考,也充满了人性的关怀和温暖。