回复 :南宋绍兴年间,岳飞死后四年,秦桧率兵与金国会谈。会谈前夜,金国使者死在宰相驻地,所携密信也不翼而飞。小兵张大(沈腾 饰)与亲兵营副统领孙均(易烊千玺 饰)机缘巧合被裹挟进这巨大阴谋之中,宰相秦桧(雷佳音 饰)命两人限一个时辰之内找到凶手。伴随危机四伏的深入调查,宰相府总管何立(张译 饰)、副总管武义淳(岳云鹏 饰)、舞姬瑶琴(王佳怡 饰)等人卷入局中,案件的背后似乎隐藏着一场更大的阴谋。局中有局、人心叵测,一夜之间风云变幻,各方势力暗流涌动……
回复 :为了重振摇滚教父的名声,波弟参加了时下热门的音乐节目。他试图说服选手们放弃流行音乐,选择摇滚音乐。但随着节目的进行,波弟的想法渐渐改变。在大家帮助下,波弟终于学会了欣赏和接纳不同的音乐类型……
回复 :"Once upon a time, before people came along, all the creatures were free and able to be with one another", narrates the voiceover. "All the animals danced together and were immeasurably happy. There was only one who wasn't invited to the celebration - the frog. In his rage about the injustice, he committed suicide." Something Romani and frogs have in common is that they will never be unseen, or stay unnoticed. In her film, young director Leonor Teles weaves the life circumstance of Romani in Portugal today with the recollections of a yesterday. Anything but a passive observer, Teles consciously decides to participate and take up position. As a third pillar, she establishes an active applied performance art that becomes integrated in the cinematic narrative. Thereby transforming "once upon a time" into "there is". "Afterwards, nothing will be as it was and the melody of life will have changed", explains a voice off-camera.