精品Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
精品Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
回复 :《仙后座(Cassiopeia)》是一部有关“痴呆”的电影,讲述的是作为律师、母亲、女儿,想拥有完美人生而努力的秀珍(徐玄振 饰)患上痴呆症慢慢丧失记忆之后和父亲仁宇(安圣基 饰)之间的特别的相伴故事。
回复 :小梦,海萍、小乔是三名欢场女子,情同姐妹但个性却截然不同。萍与男友阿陶经常流连赌场,陶积欠大笔赌债并以萍之名义申请信用卡,结果刷卡未付款,经银行催缴,萍方知始末,后来与陶大吵一架却发遭毒打,萍愤而自杀,幸被小乔所救。小乔找陶理论,却被陶无情的杀害。小梦在酒店中认识银行的李科长,李为追求小梦而盗用公款,小梦严词拒绝却感受到李的一片痴情,然李已误触法网而被警方收押。
回复 :女子被几个坏人非礼致死,黑猫看到主人遇害,便化身猫妖复仇。