国产Publicist Alyssa Banks thinks she's in a fairytale when she meets a British prince who whisks her away to Europe. However, Alyssa's dream quickly turns into a nightmare when the volatile prince refuses to let her leave his family's estate.
国产Publicist Alyssa Banks thinks she's in a fairytale when she meets a British prince who whisks her away to Europe. However, Alyssa's dream quickly turns into a nightmare when the volatile prince refuses to let her leave his family's estate.
回复 :特警11号是全美国最优秀的警犬,在和训导员天衣无缝的配合之下,他们破获了多起重案要案,这也让特警11号成为了诸多犯罪分子们的眼中钉肉中刺。毒枭桑尼(保罗·索维诺 Paul Sorvino 饰)就是其中之一,曾经栽在了特警11号手上的他发誓一定要将条警犬从除之而后快。 为了保护特警11号,训导员决定把它送往警犬基地保护起来,然而,桑尼早就在警队中安插了内线,特警11号实际上早就落入了圈套之中。好在特警11号拥有着过人的智慧,它识破了阴谋,躲过了暗杀,藏身于平凡邮差戈德(大卫·阿奎特 David Arquette 饰)的车中,并因此邂逅了热爱小动物的男孩詹姆斯(安加斯·T·琼斯 Angus T. Jones 饰)。
回复 :此片为《白色杀机》的续集! 为了忘记一年前跟杰克弗罗斯特苦战的恶梦,山姆跟太太安及好友乔萝拉来到热带小岛度耶诞节,没想到在上次的追捕行动中和山姆的基因融为一体的杰克这次变本加厉,他的小雪球宝宝杀光了岛上所有的旅客。 安以会让山姆过敏的香蕉杀了所有的雪球宝宝,杰克因而誓言报仇,不但杀掉了饭店的工作人员,还一步步向安逼近...
回复 :In a shelter, staff and volunteers work together to welcome animals in need. The mental states of the animals and human beings are profoundly connected, and the aggressive dogs or nervous cats are often hiding a painful past. This observational documentary tenderly recounts the commitment of a passionate team.