回复 :出品单位北京金尊影视文化传播中心、温州市 电视剧制作中心、北京 盛嘉伟文化有限公司摄制单位北京金尊影视 文化传播中心、温州市 电视剧制作中心、北京 盛嘉伟文化有限公司许可证号影映故字阳006} 第064号声音制式sR 幅别遮幅 片长5(本)2822米编剧练德尚导演王冰河摄影孙圣允制片浦振辉主要演员张职仁青 卓玛主要内容 一支驻守在大山深处的森警 部队,在保家卫国、惩恶扬善的同 时,不忘把爱心洒播给下一代,为 了让贫困儿童能够接受教育,他们 创办了“春蕾班”,完全采用军事化 管理。战士们防火护林之余轮流给...
回复 :裘金去巴黎原本是为了修补巴黎歌剧院受损的镜子,却不期而遇了舞蹈总监艾莲,两人一时忘情竟然无法自制的热吻起来,亲吻过后,之前素未谋面的两个人居然毫无缘由的做起相同的动作,不仅是在跳舞的时候,还包括生活中,无论是刷牙、行走、站着、坐着、上厕所以及睡觉......
回复 :Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at the observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse becomes influenced by an eccentric neighbor into believing in the power of astrology, she subscribes to a weekly horoscope from a phony seer, the appropriately named Margaret Sybill. When the beautiful Mrs. Whitley reads that a new dream man will be coming soon into her life, she assumes he's taken the form of Lloyd Hunter, a handsome and dashing foreign correspondent who doubles as the neighborhood air raid warden. A frantic Bill realizes that he's going to have to keep closer track of his earthbound heavenly body if he's going to keep the prediction from becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.