作品以最强非洲浪人武士「弥助 Yasuke」为主角,春暖他在16世纪的战国日本为封建领主卖命,春暖并被人称为「黑武士」。已经隐居的他为了守护拥有谜之力量的少女,下定决心再次拔刀对抗袭来的黑暗势力。
作品以最强非洲浪人武士「弥助 Yasuke」为主角,春暖他在16世纪的战国日本为封建领主卖命,春暖并被人称为「黑武士」。已经隐居的他为了守护拥有谜之力量的少女,下定决心再次拔刀对抗袭来的黑暗势力。
回复 :高中生无免偶然获得了一副戴上后无论做什么都会被人绝对认同的面具,然而即便如此他也没能鼓起勇气向暗恋的女生告白。直到发生那个将他的生活完全颠覆的事件……
回复 :Rainer Kohlberger is prepared to go far when it comes to the physical experiences he evokes with his work. Answering the Sun demands the utmost from its audience. The invitation is to squint our eyes and allow the most amazing trips to unfold – just like when we were children letting the sun come in. However, the work is simultaneously a 60-minute bombardment of coloured fields and a wall of sound, followed by a hallucinatory, silent inky-black sequence.In the darkened cinema with its immense screen, the strong lights create afterimages on our retina, while the acoustic stimuli cause the ears to generate their own sounds. The human body seems to be taken over when the senses are overstimulated and tricked. If you are prepared to surrender this creates a unique trip, leaving us guessing as to what the person in the next seat experienced.WARNING NOT SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE WITH EPILEPSY
回复 :水神娘娘守护着运河,但苦海龙王对她手中的宝图觊觎已久,终于有一天苦海龙王和水神娘娘对阵,这是恰逢水神娘娘的孩子出生,她只好牺牲了自己把孩子水宝藏在了贝壳里。水宝被一个好心的单身汉收养,养父临死前告诉了水宝他的身世,长大后的水宝跟着小伙伴一起踏上了旅程,最终给母亲复仇,守护了运河。