日本In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern psychological thriller.
日本In the aftermath of a violent assault, a couple decides to leave everything and start over in another country, but their past won’t let them go. Masculinity, sex and violence pervade in this modern psychological thriller.
回复 :
回复 :17-year-old Liv has just moved to London with her mother Ann and little sister Mia, where she meets the mysterious Henry, who has an extraordinary ability. Namely, he possesses the ability of lucid dreaming. But this kind of adventuring and playing with dreams can become very dangerous. An exciting and engaging youth adventure film based on the highly successful youth novel of the same name, where love, youthful curiosity and rebelliousness meet.源自:https://poff.ee/en/film/silver-and-the-book-of-dreams/
回复 :太子赶往惠王府吊丧,遭人袭击,刺客使用的兵器正是公输宏死前复原的诸葛连弩。夜叉势力已经扩展到王宫,危及皇权。顾天凌深夜请李少白入宫。太子携百官听慧仁方丈普法讲佛,夜叉再次派人行刺。幸好齐王出手相救,假扮太子的李少白才逃过一劫。太子设宴感谢齐王,却在宫殿设置机关,将齐王囚困。李少白解析案情,指出齐王才是夜叉组织的真正头目——大夜叉,但他却没想到齐王就是自己的亲生父亲。