麦田相约#种地吧# 感恩音乐会阵容海报已送达,拯救6月6日,一起相约麦田!
麦田相约#种地吧# 感恩音乐会阵容海报已送达,拯救6月6日,一起相约麦田!
回复 :B站全国首档说唱厂牌音乐旅行节目。说唱新世代成功集结,Bilibili联手88Rising打造全新音乐厂牌W8VES。
回复 :This new three-part transformational science series follows a group of designers, engineers, programmers and tech experts as they face the challenge of coming up with innovative interventions that will transform the lives of people all over the UK.From a man with locked-in syndrome who wants to communicate with his family, to an 11-year-old boy born without hands and feet who is desperate to ride a bike, the series offers extraordinary insight into the lives of those whose dreams seem to be beyond grasp and who need the help of experts.To solve these and other challenges, the Big Life Fix team, working with presenter Simon Reeve, is on a mission to come up with new inventions using smart but creative cutting-edge technology. The series is a celebration of British ingenuity, design and skill – and its power to change effect huge change in the lives of ordinary people.
回复 : 自 2015 年起,搞笑三人组合“Robert”中的秋山龙次便开始在《创意者档案》中戏仿不同行业的创意人士。该系列在日本大受欢迎,因为他的模仿还原了精髓,的确令人想到行业佼佼者的标准范式。龙次至今已经扮演了 70 多位创意人士,其官方《创意者档案》YouTube 频道目前已有接近 60 万订阅者,并达到 1.3 亿次的播放量(日本)。不知道下一次,越玩越溜的龙次又会如何以假乱真,给我们带来惊喜?