回复 :标准魯蛇王有为(禾浩辰饰)是立法院里的替代役,却在立委熊颖颖(赖雅妍饰)与反派立委的冲突中,意外害熊颖颖引咎辞职,她便强硬的要求王有为替她把立委选回来。连班长都没当过的王有为就这样补选上了立委!他上任的某天,立法院爆发化工厂流出活尸病毒,立委高官一个个互咬变成活尸。王有为发现自己竟对病毒免疫,他与幸存者熊颖颖决定打爆活尸,奋力逃出立法院,因为他们全都想要活着出去,一个都不能少!
回复 :Bill Kiowa (Montgomery Ford) is released after a five-year prison term for a crime he did not commit. The bandit El Fego (Tatsuya Nakadai), who did the actual crime, also killed Kiowa's young Native American wife. Once free, Kiowa raises a gang to go after the man who framed him. An Italian western in the A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS mold with a better than average cast, which includes Bud Spencer in the debut of his heavy-handed character (later made famous in the TRINITY series) and the outstanding Japanese actor Tatsuya Nakadai, famous for his role in Akira Kurosawa's KAGEMUSHA. Written by horror-meister Dario Argento and presented here in the English-language version (which, considering it was filmed MOS with an international cast, is nearly as "original dialogue" as its Italian-language counterpart).
回复 :老牌摇滚乐队Foo Fighters进驻位于洛杉矶恩西诺的一间有着浓郁摇滚历史的豪宅,录制自己的第十张专辑,然而在录制过程中,主唱Dave Grohl发现豪宅中有一股超自然力量正在威胁专辑乃至整支乐队的命运。