回复 :赵晓棠(孙嘉灵 饰)曾经是大学校园里的风云人物,每个人经过她的身旁都会被她所散发出的魅力所吸引忍不住多看一眼。在和初恋慕海(李九霄 饰)复合之后,两人携手步入了婚姻的殿堂,赵晓棠放弃了出国深造的机会,倾其所有帮助丈夫发展他的事业,做他坚强的后盾,哪知道自己在丈夫的眼中竟然慢慢的变成了黄脸婆的形象。一次偶然中,赵晓棠的好友邀请她帮忙拍摄一组婚纱照,在拍摄的过程中,赵晓棠和慕海之间隐藏多年的矛盾终于爆发,两人的婚姻岌岌可危。一场意外导致慕海身受重伤,这场意外是否能够成为挽救两人婚姻的最后一次机会呢?
回复 :It follows a widow who struggles keeping the local vineyard and raising two young boys. She may be in store for a Christmas miracle when she falls for a big city playboy who is sent to get intel on a prospective vineyard for sale.
回复 :A young couple's sex acts are witnessed by a young man through a hole in the wall. When the wife seduces him, they engage in an illicit affair. Chaos ensues when the husband learns about them.