回复 :一部难得的片子,通过毕加索的家人,前妻,画商,朋友的解读,我们才知,尽管毕加索的晚年作品濒临色情的边缘,但也让我们见识了什么是不顾一切狂野地表达自己突破绘画技巧!而为了悟透男人与女人,性欲与爱的关系,纪录片里会解密他是如何做的。毕加索一生都受性的诱惑,他在作品与生活中都全身心地享受性的乐趣。毕加索每次换个女人,也是每次换个标准,换个视觉,因为他要全部占有女人,直至她的视觉;这时他自己也换了个人。“标准”、“改变视觉”、“性的对话”、“性与心的转换”、“占有女人直至她的视觉”,这是毕加索的艺术中的性心理学的一条粉红色线。如果狄德罗知道了,会说这是极佳的心理临床学。因为他早在两个半世纪以前就说:“一切生物都是你中有我,我中有你……任何禽兽都多少是人,任何矿物都多少是植物,任何植物都多少是禽兽……人是什么?人是某类倾向的总和。”
回复 :Tom Riley thought he was getting the deal of a lifetime when he bought a house below market value at a Sheriff's sale. He invested every penny he had with the plan of flipping the home for a profit. Once he owned it, however, he noticed strange happenings, all of which were captured on 21 Surveillance Cameras located throughout the home inside and out. At first he thought people were breaking in, but he soon realized he was dealing with something Paranormal.
回复 :A squad of unsuspecting cops goes through a trapdoor to Hell when they stumble upon a Black Mass in an abandoned building.