回复 :乾隆年间,权倾朝野的和珅扶植永琰成为皇太子。永琰登基为嘉庆帝,不甘成为傀儡,与谋臣筹谋反击。和珅遭伏击之夜掀起战幔,两位清朝最高权力者展开二十八天的权义之弈!和珅被揭贪污罪证,劫数难逃,弟和琳承担罪责。和珅为报仇,死命追查乾隆中毒一事,又以自己跟皇贵妃孝和睿一段旧情打击嘉庆。和珅与二夫人长媚、红颜知己豆蔻步步进逼,逼嘉庆退位。和珅以为嘉庆定必倒台,惜作茧自困。嘉庆利用豆蔻,令和珅痛不欲生……
回复 :这里没有什么诀窍——只是给大家带来了一段精彩的短片和一段第二季的戏弄,第二季将会在两个月后的今天开播——9月29日(周四,东部/太平洋时间晚上8:30-9:00)CBS电视台!这部热门喜剧是上一季排名第一的新剧,也是派拉蒙+频道排名第一的喜剧。
回复 :Marco Mejia, a gender non-conforming high school graduate who lands the gig of a lifetime interning at a cosmetics company whose products he panned on YouTube. Madolyn Addison, CEO, entrepreneur and founder of Glamorous Cosmetics and former supermodel, built one of the top companies in the world from the ground up. However, something's happening of late. The company isn't just slipping, it's plummeting, like it's being sabotaged from the inside. Not about to let that happen, Madolyn hires Marco right out of high school to be her summer intern. She has a plan, she wants him to be her eyes and ears, to make friends and find out what's going on behind her back, to discover "what they're hiding and what they're stealing." In exchange, she'll teach Marco everything she knows, but she warns him "This business isn't all glitter and glamour and neither is life".