美国谋杀When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous results.
美国谋杀When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous results.
回复 :The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.
回复 :纽约市地位显赫的律师阿兰·弗雷德瑞克遇害身亡后,他的妻子苏珊有了惊天发aaa。阿兰竟是犯罪头目理查德·科里斯的秘密辩护律师,并正准备将其交到警察手中。随着真相逐步展开,她发现了一张含概了科里斯所有犯罪证据的磁盘,而这也正是阿兰的死因。身陷险境的苏珊只得求救于佐伊·克劳警探,在地区检察官的帮助下,佐伊发誓要保护苏珊出庭作证。但整个城市都遍布了科里斯的眼线,他们无处可躲,也找不到可信之人,包括克劳手下的警官,负债累累的赌徒奥麦里…
回复 :When hundreds of videotapes showing torture, murder and dismemberment are found in an abandoned house, they reveal a serial killer's decade-long reign of terror and become the most disturbing collection of evidence homicide detectives have ever seen. Written by Tribeca Film Festival