克拉It's a jolly mess when two young brides get lost from a train. Set in 2001, somewhere in rural India.
克拉It's a jolly mess when two young brides get lost from a train. Set in 2001, somewhere in rural India.
回复 :In a small motel in remote area, two hoodlums and a girl have a sex and they broadcast live the whole thing on mobile. They are interfered by an unknown killer and their lives are in danger, but they don’t stop broadcasting because of the increasing viewers. Now, the brutal killing is watched by a million.
回复 :经典IP魔改升级,人、妖两界不共戴天,程季常,李月娥神仙眷侣再现江湖。看二人如何抗宿命,斩心魔,闯情关,东方魔幻版为爱狮吼一触即发!
回复 :两位年轻男子想要找点事做,来打发喝醉酒的无聊夜晚。玩性大开的他们于是决定要恶整陌生人,首先随意拨打电话到未知的号码,谎称自己是警方并且已经锁定在对方家中的未知闯入者。无辜的人们不但半夜被他们吓破胆,还被录下恶搞影片上传社群媒体。玩疯了的两人沉浸在社群的热烈迴响当中,浑然不知自己诓骗倒楣受害者的恐怖剧情,将真实上演在自己身上,一名凶残的陌生人打了电话进来,铃声响起,你接,还是不接…?