宋伊少年Samadhi Part 1 is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi, an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry.
宋伊少年Samadhi Part 1 is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi, an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry.
回复 :儿子约瑟夫的死亡让杜勒一家人陷入了无尽的悲痛之中,父亲整日里紧锁眉头,而母亲则坚持相信儿子并没有离去,而是会化身为精灵再度回到她的身边。压抑的家庭气氛让小女儿西朗特倍感孤独,没有人关注她的感受。一天,表妹弗朗西斯(Elizabeth Earl 饰)暂时住进了西朗特的家中,她的父亲即将奔赴战场。弗朗西斯的到来让西朗特终于重拾了快乐,两人成天待在一起,消磨着彼此的时间。约瑟夫生前十分沉迷于对于精灵的研究,甚至为精灵们搭了一座小小的城堡。在弗朗西斯的强烈要求下,西朗特带着她进入了花园,开始寻找精灵的踪迹。让两人没有想到的是,她们竟然真的找到了精灵,不仅如此,还拍下了照片。
回复 :“Louis Armstrong's Black & Blues” offers an intimate and revealing look at the world-changing musician, presented through a lens of archival footage and never-before-heard home recordings and personal conversations. This definitive documentary, directed by Sacha Jenkins, honors Armstrong's legacy as a founding father of jazz, one of the first internationally known and beloved stars, and a cultural ambassador of the United States. The film shows how Armstrong’s own life spans the shift from the Civil War to the Civil Rights movement, and how he became a lightning rod figure in that turbulent era.
回复 :在斯德哥爾摩的拍賣行工作的Anna暗戀著老闆Sven,然而富有同情心、內向的Sven沒打算要談戀愛。在他眼中,Anna只是個完美助手。當Sven終於考慮要找對象,Anna決定幫助他。她把自己的朋友Sophie跟Sven湊成一對,Sophie很開心,Anna則暗自神傷。這時,Anna的父親,一絲不苟的Carl,和自由奔放的鄰居Lotta起了嚴重衝突。兩人個性南轅北轍,Carl受不了Lotta的迷糊,但Lotta卻覺得拘謹的Carl很迷人。雙方先是起了口頭衝突,後來又發生了值得紀念的事件。