加里A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving in with her boyfriend.
加里A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving in with her boyfriend.
回复 :警花是个警察男同志,一辈子寻觅真爱,属于‘易得无价宝,难得有情郎’那一型的。警花在汉士三温暖钓到了老公,找到真爱,不料出现了悲剧性的逆转,男人得癌症死了。汉士三温暖余老板余夫人和蒋姨这群老姊妹想尽一切办法帮警花。另一对同志伴侣是种生和怡谋。种生因病过世后,家人约略知道怡谋和种生的关系,并不说破,整个出殡仪式,怡谋的身份是种生的‘义弟’。怡谋十分感谢他的家人,他因此得以手捧种生的骨灰坛,扶旗招魂。
回复 :克拉克.盖博饰演的凯西司令官,为阻挠破坏德国研制一种新式飞机,不顾国会一些议员反对,准备对德国秘密研制基地进行攻击。他知道为了打赢此次大战,必须派手下的军队对德军进行一次自杀式的攻击,他应该如何决定?本片改编自战后的卖座舞台剧,对战争中的政治动作内幕提出相当深刻的自省。萨姆.伍德的导演手法紧凑有力,掌握住对白的戏剧张力却不会使场面流于呆板的舞台化,加上一群演技精湛的男星卖力演出,娱乐效果相当高。General Dennis of the US Force in England in World War II finds that he must order his planes deeper and deeper into Germany to prevent the production of military jet planes that will turn the tide of battle to the Germans. He must fight congressmen, and his own chain of command to win the political battle before he can send his planes out. His problem is complicated by a very narrow window of good weather necessary to allow his effort to be successful. Adapted from a stage play, it attempts to look at the challenges of command in the political arena.
回复 :庄严肃穆的法庭之上,险遭杀害的大法官拉贡纳特(普利特维拉·卡浦尔 Prithviraj Kapoor 饰)义正言辞,道貌岸然。被告席上,神色颓丧的青年拉兹(拉兹·卡普尔 Raj Kapoor 饰)无依无靠,听天由命。拉兹自幼在贫困的环境中长大,后被拉贡纳特当年的仇家引诱赶起偷盗抢劫的营生。按照这位大法官的说法,他就是一个天生的坏蛋与堕落者。美丽的丽达(纳尔吉丝 Nargis 饰)是拉兹童年时代的好友,同时师从拉贡纳特学习法律。她自高奋勇担当拉兹的辩护律师,在她紧追不舍的诘问之下,拉贡纳特不得不在庭上讲述他于24年前将妻子赶出家门的经过。谁知这看似毫无关联的供述,竟与本案有着极深的渊源……