日本An inquisitive girl and her father must unravel the secrets of Echoville Manor which has held the world's cutest spirit Ghoster captive for 50 years, before Yuto the ghost dragon wipes them all out in his quest for immortality.
日本An inquisitive girl and her father must unravel the secrets of Echoville Manor which has held the world's cutest spirit Ghoster captive for 50 years, before Yuto the ghost dragon wipes them all out in his quest for immortality.
回复 :生活在儿童之家的露,与突然到访的母亲共同踏上了前往波兰外祖母家的旅程,久未谋面的母女将如何度过这段时光?这是一部充满反叛精神的女性公路电影,由荷兰导演扎拉·德温格自编自导,她不仅在主题上解构了传统观念中的母女关系,还在主线故事中跳跃式地剪入大量经典黑白电影与卡通片段,营造出诙谐顽皮的游戏感。片中不少镜头场景致敬了观众耳熟能详的经典好莱坞公路片,能让几代影迷会心一笑。入围2023年柏林国际电影节新生代儿童单元。
回复 :Biologist and extreme angler, Jeremy Wade, is on the hunt for freshwater fish with a taste for human flesh. Jeremy travels the globe risking life and limb, to investigate freshwater mysteries and uncover the truth about the dark secrets of our planet's rivers.
回复 :原創戲劇《親愛的亞當》由陳慧瑛製作、金獎導演廖士涵執導,是首部以「基因編輯工程」為主題的電視作品,將深入探討「基因編輯是一種愛,還是一種犯罪」,胡宇威詮釋從出生就注定不平凡,擁有通過基因編輯的完美人設,曾沛慈則扮演痛恨基因編輯被掌握在權貴手上的生技專家。孫可芳及資深演員周丹薇也都參與演出。