欧美After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity.
欧美After an earthquake leaves Danny trapped and alone, his claustrophobic nightmare only gets worse when something truly horrifying emerges from the fissures in the ground, forcing him to engage in a brutal fight for his life and his sanity.
回复 :世界上总有一些人迹罕至的森林,传说进去之后就无法出来。故事就发生在这样一个“寻死的森林”里,一个女子被强奸致死,警方全力找寻证据起诉疑凶黄柏木(周俊伟饰)。这也成为夏松梓(舒淇饰)新官上任第一个案件。联系到树林多宗自杀失踪个案,她认为凶手不止一个。为了取得更多证据,松梓决定深入树林调查。彭海(郑伊健饰)是高级植物学博士,他不计时间金钱,与植物交流,去证明植物也是有生命有感觉的。他的女友美树(李彩桦饰)是电视台节目主持,为了收视率不惜穿凿附会,配合流言传说制作树林闹鬼的节目。二人的价值观甚为对立。彭海带着柏木进入案发的树林重组案情,他认为案发当日唯一的目击证人便是整个树林。所以它们会说出所看见的一切。松梓半信半疑,而美树则带着摄影大队前来拍摄整个进程。戏剧化的事情发生了。
回复 :主人公是一个叫戴维·曼恩(丹尼斯·韦弗 Dennis Weaver 饰)的中年男人,这天他在空无一人的州际公路上独自驾车。随后一辆大卡车出现了,挡在戴维前面,他毫不客气地超过对方。而后两车在公路上互相超了对方的车,一开始戴维还气冲冲地想超过对方走在前面,后来他却发现大卡车司机像发疯一样想置他于死地。他只好停下来,在路边餐厅整顿一下准备继续上路,发现那辆形如鬼魅的大卡车停在外面,戴维甚至不知道司机是谁。随后大卡车一直追逐着戴维,他想尽办法也甩不掉这辆大卡车,他只好与这辆如影随形的卡车展开决斗……本片是斯皮尔伯格的处女作,在美国获得了艾美奖最佳音效剪辑,斯皮尔伯格也因此片获得了拍摄《大白鲨》的机会。
回复 :Twenty years ago, old Mrs. Barlow was killed in her home at 12, Pimlico Square for her priceless rubies. The murderer searched the whole house without finding them, then disappeared. The house has been empty since then, but now Paul and Bella Mallen move into the apartment. Bella Mallen suffers from forgetfulness and nervousness - at least that is what her husband tells her. An elderly horse wrangler, B.G. Rough worked as a policeman twenty years ago and still remembers the unsolved case. He notices that Mr. Mallen looks just like Louis Barre, Mrs. Barlow's nephew. And why does Mr. Mallen so mysteriously leave every night just to go into the apartment next door, nr. 14?