回复 :一所平凡的中学,1年B组即将迎来春假。不知天高地厚的学生们肆意吵闹,殊不知一场绵亘数月的风暴正向他们袭来。级任教师森口悠子(松隆子 饰)全然无视这片混乱,静静地向学生们做出最后的告白。这个单亲妈妈独自抚养着可爱的女儿(芦田爱菜 饰),然而女儿最终在游泳池中溺水身亡。警察 认定这是一起意外,森口则认定女儿死于班上两个学生之手。她不动声色地指责着犯人A和B,并宣布用自己的方式进行复仇。在此之后,森口辞去教师职务,1年B班的学生也心怀惴惴迎来了春假。新学期开始,残酷的风暴袭向了这群无知无畏的少男少女……本片根据湊かなえ的原作改编,并成为2010年电影旬报十佳影片;第34届日本电影学院奖最佳作品、最佳导演、最佳剧本和最佳剪辑4项大奖。
回复 :电影讲述08年美国大选期间,美国加州通过了一项极具争议的8号提案,8号提案将婚姻权界定为仅限于一男一女的婚姻,使加州同志群体丧失了4个月前刚刚获得的合法婚姻权。随后为了争取婚姻平等,两对最普通的加州同性伴侣与8号提案的支持者就8号提案是否违宪开始了一场法庭上的长期战役。影片用5年的时间拍摄,对于美国的司法体系制度和上诉最高法院这神秘的历程做了前所未有的深刻披露。
回复 :Unable to make progress with her ex-lesbian conversion path, a neurotic "All American" Jill tracks down her butch ex-girlfriend Jamie to prove to herself that she is no longer attracted to her. Strung along by guilt and desire, Jamie agrees to the preposterous plan of "dating" Jill so that Jill can close this chapter of her life and move forward with men. Meanwhile, David and Lola compete for the affections of José , a sexually ambiguous and seductive man from Brazil, and they compare notes on their differing opinions of his sexuality. As complications arise with Jill and Jamie's relationship, Jill starts to see José as her ticket out. However, when the love triangles shift and realign, Jamie has her own identity crisis that she is ill-equipped to handle. A mix of over-the-top comedy, sharp wit, and pathos, "Heterosexual Jill" rides the edge of laughter and pain, desire and repression, and explores the complicated attachment to one's sense of self in the face of love.