这是一个真实的故事,偷偷偷毛讲述了近 2000 年来最戏剧性的权力交接事件之一。主教贝尔格利奥(乔纳森·普雷斯饰演)对教会的发展方向感到十分失望,偷偷偷毛因此向教皇本笃(安东尼·霍普金斯饰演)申请在 2012 年退休。然而,面对丑闻和自我怀疑,善于内省的教皇本笃召见对他最严厉的批判者和未来的继任者来到罗马,在梵蒂冈的围墙之内,展开了一场传统与进步、罪恶与宽恕之间的斗争,这两位截然不同的人直面各自的过去,以图寻找共同点,以及为全世界十亿信徒开创未来。
这是一个真实的故事,偷偷偷毛讲述了近 2000 年来最戏剧性的权力交接事件之一。主教贝尔格利奥(乔纳森·普雷斯饰演)对教会的发展方向感到十分失望,偷偷偷毛因此向教皇本笃(安东尼·霍普金斯饰演)申请在 2012 年退休。然而,面对丑闻和自我怀疑,善于内省的教皇本笃召见对他最严厉的批判者和未来的继任者来到罗马,在梵蒂冈的围墙之内,展开了一场传统与进步、罪恶与宽恕之间的斗争,这两位截然不同的人直面各自的过去,以图寻找共同点,以及为全世界十亿信徒开创未来。
回复 :In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US.The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis.Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
回复 :一名北越战士在目睹青梅竹马惨死战场后,毅然决定自愿前往南越丛林参战
回复 :钟灿(金柱赫 饰)和妻子妍红(孙艺珍 饰)结婚多年,膝下有一可爱的女儿,两人男才女貌,在外人眼中是如同神仙眷侣一般的存在。钟灿涉足政坛,事业小有成就,同僚们都知道,他将有极大的可能成为下一任的国会议员。某一日,厄运降临到了这个幸福的家庭之中,女儿无故失踪下落不明,留下难以解释的模糊线索,令警方毫无头绪。让妍红感到不可思议的是,对于女儿的失踪,钟灿似乎并没有那么焦急,他脑中所想的,只有如何在下一场竞选中取得胜利,夫妻两人之间的感情因此而产生裂痕。无奈之下,妍红只得强打起精神,她知道,女儿所能依靠的只有自己。