欧美Followed by Darby Harper, who is granted the ability to see ghosts after suffering a near death experience in her childhood. Then, she runs a side business counseling local spirits in her spare time.
欧美Followed by Darby Harper, who is granted the ability to see ghosts after suffering a near death experience in her childhood. Then, she runs a side business counseling local spirits in her spare time.
回复 :毕业旅行本是很快乐的事,可明日香(堀北真希饰)却留在被其他同学遗忘的角落。她在学校被同学们欺凌,同伴Pam还因无法忍受欺凌而上吊自杀了。Pam的怨气积聚,让明日香为她报复。诅咒在进行,梓、健、瑞江等同学先后收到“自己”打来的电话留言,不久他们真的在电话所预言的时间死去!毕业旅行被浓重的恐怖气氛笼罩,大家惶惶不可终日。艾米莉(黑木メイサ饰)对同学们蹊跷死去背后的真相有所察觉,原来她的心中埋藏了一个巨大的秘密,为了阻止事件的扩大化,艾米莉打算亲手结束这一切。
回复 :元禄14年,赤穗藩藩主浅野内匠头(西郷輝彦 饰)在公开的仪式上受到吉良上野介(金子信雄 饰)的戏弄和侮辱,一怒之下拔刀砍伤对方。在此之后,浅野因在内廷拔刀而被判剖腹自尽,其管辖的赤穗城也面临易主的命运。消息传到赤穗,全城上下人心惶惶。大家老大石内藏助(萬屋錦之介 饰)一面稳定人心,一面做好善后工作。最终仍有几十人不愿离去,大石将众人聚在一处,决定暂时忍辱负重,寻找合适时机杀掉吉良为主公报仇。漫长的等待由此开始……本片根据日本忠臣藏的故事改编,渡瀬恒彦凭借此片荣获电影旬报和第21届日本电影金像奖最佳男配角奖。
回复 :Documentary telling the inside story of Mohammed Emwazi's journey from an ordinary London boy to becoming terrorist 'Jihadi John' and the intelligence operatives' attempts to catch him.