大香大蕉Stranded in the Philippines during World War II, a young girl finds that her duty to protect her dying mother is complicated by her misplaced trust in a beguiling, flesh-eating fairy.
大香大蕉Stranded in the Philippines during World War II, a young girl finds that her duty to protect her dying mother is complicated by her misplaced trust in a beguiling, flesh-eating fairy.
回复 :在这个姐弟恋盛行的年代,刘臻(李智楠饰)和陈舟(姜宏波饰)是对准备闪婚的恋人,朋友们想出“奇招”准备考验二人感情,刘臻和陈舟也差点“中招”,害的婚礼差点取消。
回复 :泰俊和書妍捨棄都市生活,在靜謐的鄉間重新開始,並決定分租房子來減輕經濟壓力。不料新入住的兩性小說家華怡竟是泰俊過去外遇的對象,她故意赤身裸體引誘男主人入室,甚至賄賂他人色誘書妍,只為了奪回她深愛的泰俊……
回复 :故事讲述了一个打工社畜突然接手濒临倒闭的动物园,他试图与奇葩员工们完成一场令人匪夷所思的动物园营业计划的故事。