《一个桶》是苹果公司推出的由导演贾樟柯用iPhone XS拍摄的春节短片,珠海短片讲述了过完年离开家乡的故事,珠海一个年轻人带着妈妈给他的一个装满东西的塑料白桶,踏上离开家乡的路。等到打开这个又大又重的桶时,才发现里面装了用细沙包裹着的一个个鸡蛋。2019年1月25日,《一个桶》正片发布。
《一个桶》是苹果公司推出的由导演贾樟柯用iPhone XS拍摄的春节短片,珠海短片讲述了过完年离开家乡的故事,珠海一个年轻人带着妈妈给他的一个装满东西的塑料白桶,踏上离开家乡的路。等到打开这个又大又重的桶时,才发现里面装了用细沙包裹着的一个个鸡蛋。2019年1月25日,《一个桶》正片发布。
回复 :元禄14年,赤穗城城主浅野内匠头(真田广之 饰)拔刀砍伤了羞辱自己的吉良上野介(田村高广 饰),他也因冒犯将军而被赐死。在此之后,赤穗城覆没,大老大石内藏助(津村雅彦 饰)召集城中武士,决定暂时忍辱负重,伺机复仇。这群义士中有一年轻人名唤民谷伊右卫门(佐藤浩市 饰),他和朋友们过起浪人的生活,终日靠弹奏琵琶为生。某日,伊右卫门邂逅美丽的汤女阿岩(高岗早纪 饰),二人最终成为内缘夫妻。艰苦的日子走到尽头,大石召集忠勇义士们准备起事,伊右卫门与阿岩难分难舍,最终决定退出行动。某晚,伊右卫门独自外出,重逢曾被自己救过的女孩阿梅(荻野目庆子 饰),并随之来到家中成亲。殊不知心爱的阿岩即将遭到奸人暗害……
回复 :Jake Cullen (Bill Kerr) lives with his grandson in the Australian outback when a massive razorback boar attacks him, destroying his house and killing his grandson. He is accused of murder and his dignity is destroyed.Two years later, a wildlife reporter, Beth Winters, journeys to the outback to document the hunting of Australian wildlife to be used as animal food, processed in a large factory, but she is attacked by two deranged locals, Benny and Dicko, who leave her to be killed by the beast. Her husband, Carl, goes in search of her, and aids Jake Cullen and his young associate, Sarah Cameron, in hunting for the razorback responsible for her death.As they search for the creature, Benny and Dicko worry that they may be associated with the murder of Beth Winters, so they attack Cullen and leave him to be killed by the boar. Vowing revenge for his wife and his friend, Carl finds Benny and lowers him into a mineshaft, presumably killing him, and finds Dicko in the factory. Before he can kill him, the razorback surges and mauls Dicko to death before chasing after Carl and Sarah, where they face off inside the processing factory. Carl lures the Boar (having speared it with a pole) into pursuing him down a conveyor belt, at the end of which is a large industrial fan. Not able to stop itself, the boar falls to its demise onto the blade/fins killing it, while Carl rescues Sarah.
回复 :影片根据顾文显本人发表于《今古传奇·故事版》的故事《傻人有傻福》改编。该剧通过制造悬念抖包袱的手段,让观众在笑过之后,能崇尚“以热心助人为荣”的处世观,领悟“善有善报”的朴素哲理。