回复 :Jennifer Shannon (Lori Loughlin) has a gift for finding rare treasures hidden in garage sales that she can resell at her consignment store, Rags to Riches. But her keen eye for finding valuables also gets her involved in the criminal investigations that happen at the very second-hand sales she frequents. When Jennifer's friend and self-storage facility owner Martin (Michael Kopsa) turns up murdered-just hours after auctioning off an abandoned storage unit full of unique items to Jennifer-she is immediately pulled on the case as a key eyewitness. Working with Detective Lynwood (Kevin O'Grady), Jennifer helps single out a disgruntled customer as the prime suspect, while she and her business partner, Danielle (Strange), sift through boxes from the auction. As her husband Jason (Bacic) worries about her safety, Jennifer starts to get over her head when there is a break-in at her store, and a run-in with Martin's angry wife. Then, Jennifer and Danielle discover their new merchandise contains the sparkly evidence they needed all along to nail the surprising real culprit, and they must race to save a life-and put their own on the line.
回复 :梁超从越南偷渡来港,误入歧途,投效于黑社会老大庄威身边当杀手。为了利益,庄威命手下制造三起重大命案,重案组组长方刚为此疲命侦查,却苦无蛛丝马迹。董力忠心于义父庄威,深爱着义妹牧兰,而牧兰却不理会,心情低落的董力几次出师不利让庄威不满,董力在爱情事业皆告失意之际,背叛了庄威…...
回复 :内向胆怯、无法很好地表达自己的湖谷真奈(岸井雪乃饰),与自由奔放且有些不可思议的卯木堇(滨边美波饰)相遇,两人成为了好朋友。但是,堇独自一人去旅行之后便杳无音讯。堇失踪后的五年,真奈仍然没能接受堇不在的事实。身边的人们都当堇已经死了,但真奈对此强烈抗拒。某一天,真奈从堇 的前男友远野敦(杉野遥亮饰)那里收到了对堇来说十分重要的摄像机,摄像机里储存着真奈和堇一同拥有的回忆,以及堇无人知晓的秘密......真奈为了能与堇再次会面,前往了堇最后去的旅行地......