Netflix将于明年播出全新的哥斯拉动画系列《哥斯拉 奇点》,午夜据悉剧情和角色均为原创,午夜与之前的哥斯拉系列没有任何联系。本片导演为执导过[哆啦A梦:大雄的南极冰冰凉大冒险]的高桥敦史,他将与BONES(《钢之炼金术师》《交响诗篇》)和Orange(《宝石之国》)共同制作本剧,风格为CG和手绘相结合,而吉卜力的资深动画师山森英司将负责设计本剧的怪兽。
Netflix将于明年播出全新的哥斯拉动画系列《哥斯拉 奇点》,午夜据悉剧情和角色均为原创,午夜与之前的哥斯拉系列没有任何联系。本片导演为执导过[哆啦A梦:大雄的南极冰冰凉大冒险]的高桥敦史,他将与BONES(《钢之炼金术师》《交响诗篇》)和Orange(《宝石之国》)共同制作本剧,风格为CG和手绘相结合,而吉卜力的资深动画师山森英司将负责设计本剧的怪兽。
回复 :2023年是疫情开放的第一年,大家止不住想出门的心。所有的热烈的、线下的相聚,都让人心驰神往。今年的跨年夜旨在打造一个年轻态的团结、融合的社区氛围,希望每个人都推门而出,与身边的人在一起,携手向前,走向新的2024;观与演的界限变得模糊,整场晚会更加的有松弛感和自由感;希望所有观众看完跨年会受到感召,也走到街上去探索,也约上几个朋友去聚会,也一起用最悦己、松弛的方式,释放所有压力,热烈地向前,奔赴新年,打开新的自己。
回复 :一档聚焦社会大众精神面貌的原创生活态度真人秀。主持人张大大邀请各行业朋友来家中做客、分享精致生活,让朋友们疏解情绪、放松自我。以无干扰的方式拍摄,最大限度地还原嘉宾们的真实状态,感受生活中的点滴与本真。让观众看到不一样的公众人物,不同生活状态的碰撞,及人与人之间差异化的相处模式。
回复 :共三集:1.隐匿的王道 2.生命中的化合 3.生命的火花The Cell In a three-part series, Dr Adam Rutherford tells the extraordinary story of the scientific quest to discover the secrets of the cell and of life itself. Every living thing is made of cells, microscopic building blocks of almost unimaginable power and complexity. “I am normally not a lover of scientific docu’s but this one I found I had to watch all 3 parts back to back”.The Hidden KingdomThe first part explores how centuries of scientific and religious dogma were overturned by the earliest discoveries of the existence of cells, and how scientists came to realize that there was, literally, more to life than meets the eye.The Chemistry of LifeThis episode explores how scientists delved ever deeper into the world of the cell, seeking to reveal the magic ingredient that can spark a bundle of chemicals into life. Their discoveries have brought us to the brink of being able to create life for ourselves.The Spark of LifeThe final part reveals how our knowledge of cells has brought us to the brink of one of the most important moments in history. Scientists are close to repeating what has happened only once in four billion years - the creation of a new life form.