  时间:2024-11-22 02:33:45

电影根据Ottessa Moshfegh的同名小说改编。故事发生在1964年马萨诸塞州的一个严冬。年轻的艾琳在监狱当秘书,日韩日本当迷人的咨询师瑞贝卡成为她的新同事,日韩日本她情不自禁地被对方深深吸引。在瑞贝卡透露了一个黑暗的秘密后,她们的感情发生了变化,将艾琳推上了一条罪恶的道路。




回复 :讲述了腹黑聪明的女主许舒贝(陈艳茜饰)为了报双亲逝去之仇,步步为营,利用一切手段接近复仇目标,却落入情感与记忆的陷阱。许舒贝在复仇过程中与盛世集团继承人盛筠(蒙恩饰)、富二代尚铭(祖怀饰)、以及夏家千金夏伊娃(杜雯静饰)三人有着复杂的情感关系,在复仇与情感的旋涡中迷失的她发现了关于记忆移植的惊人秘密。



回复 :On an ocean voyage, a librarian falls for a married man. After librarian Lulu Smith is accused by her patrons of having Spring fever, she spends her life savings on a cruise to Havana, during which she begins a romance with Bob Grover, a lawyer with political ambitions. After their return, Lulu becomes a clerical assistant for a newspaper, where she is pursued by brash reporter Al Holland. One night, several months into their affair, Bob comes to Lulu's apartment for dinner, bringing two Halloween masks with which they have a marvelous time playing. Their merriment is interrupted by a call from Al, whose proposal to Lulu prompts Bob to confess that he has an invalid wife whom he cannot leave. Lulu protests that she wishes to continue their affair, but Bob refuses to let her waste her life on him. They squabble, and Lulu throws him out without telling him she is pregnant. Time passes and Bob becomes district attorney, while Al becomes city editor of the newspaper. After Bob hires a detective, Marty, to find Lulu, the couple are reunited and Lulu introduces Bob to his daughter Roberta. Later, Lulu and Roberta are waiting to meet Bob, when Al suddenly appears. He is questioning her about Roberta when Bob arrives, and, in order to protect Bob's reputation, Lulu tells Al that the baby is Bob's adopted daughter and that she is her governess. In order to preserve the charade, Bob does adopt Roberta, taking her home the next day to present to his wife Helen, who is returning from a European rest cure. Helen is delighted with the child but questions Lulu's ability to care for her. Lulu runs out of the house, and when Bob follows her, she tries to tell him she is through with him but cannot. Soon after, Lulu goes to Al for a job and becomes the "advice to the lovelorn" columnist for his paper. Al pumps her for information about Bob and Roberta in order to write a story causing Bob's downfall, but Lulu refuses to say anything. As the years pass, Lulu still works for the paper, and Al, now the managing editor, is still pursuing her. Bob has been both a mayor and a congressman, but on the night he wins the nomination for governor, he becomes disheartened, ashamed of the hypocrisy of his double life. Lulu tries to talk him out of confessing the truth and ruining his career, but when it seems that she cannot succeed, she asks Al to marry her, hoping that will make Bob forget about her. On the night of Bob's election, however, Al tells her that he knows all about her, Bob and Roberta, and Lulu kills him to prevent him from publishing the story. A year later, Bob is on his deathbed, and Lulu, whom he had pardoned after a short jail term, comes to visit him. He shows her his new will, which tells the truth and leaves her half of his estate, but after he dies, she tears it up to protect him and Roberta, who is engaged to a socially prominent young man.



回复 :电影主要讲述了在大革命时期,“韶山五杰”等革命志士在严峻的生死考验下执行秘密任务,与敌人斗智斗勇的故事。谍海暗战的精彩与时代洪流背景下的理想与信仰将一一呈现。主角毛稼轩(陈明昊 饰)与沈卓宜(郭晓东 饰)因执行一项秘密任务展开殊死暗战,两人同时自认“庞德甫”的代号身份 ,究竟谁才是真正的“庞德甫”,这一代号又意味了什么?人物身份多重反转,真相扑朔迷离。



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