午夜10-part drama set in 1930s London focusing on Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor. The show will follow Robert Jekyll's quest to discover his real identity and the true nature of his family's cursed history.
午夜10-part drama set in 1930s London focusing on Robert Jekyll, the grandson of the original doctor. The show will follow Robert Jekyll's quest to discover his real identity and the true nature of his family's cursed history.
回复 :本剧以《女力报到》剧情为基础,以轻松都会大众方式描述小资男、女孩们进入职场后面临的人际关系、朋友和同侪间以及和上司与部属的应对进退相处模式和所面临的日常问题,集欢乐、泪水、热血及爱情的侧写,到底这些十七连的小资男、女孩们将又面临什么样的新考验呢?新加入的伙伴能和他们擦撞出什么样的火花呢?以及他们又会如何勇敢追寻坚持自已的梦想呢?
回复 :珍娜·科尔曼主演的宫廷剧《维多利亚女王》正式宣布续订第3季。科尔曼和饰演阿尔伯特亲王的汤姆·休斯(剧里新婚,现实里也是一对~)双双确定回归,剧情将设定在1848年,继续维多利亚女王动荡多变的人生,据说会比前两季更抓马。目前回归日期未定,但今年圣诞确定有一集特别集。
回复 :Award-winning crime writer Ann Cleeves' bestselling detective series returns for a fifth season as DI Jimmy Perez faces a compelling new single mystery. A human hand washes up on a Shetland beach. A few hours later, more body parts are discovered in a hold-all that has been dumped at sea. The victim is identified as a young Nigerian man, spotted in Lerwick a few days before. What was he doing on the islands? In investigating his murder, DI Perez becomes involved in the search for a vulnerable young woman, leading him to uncover a complex network of human trafficking across Scotland’s remote rural communities.