回复 :DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities. DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants - Israeli soldiers from elite units and Palestinian fighters, many of whom served years in prison - who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say "enough.' The film reveals their transformational journeys from soldiers committed to armed battle to nonviolent peace activists, leading to the creation of Combatants for Peace. While based in the Middle East, DISTURBING THE PEACE evokes universal themes relevant to us all and inspires us to become active participants in the creation of our world.
回复 :2012年12月14日在美国康涅狄格州纽敦镇子的桑迪·胡克小学发生了大规模枪杀,许多家庭失去挚爱儿女,陷入外人无法想象的悲痛。本片历时三年拍摄,纪录了这个被巨大悲痛笼罩的小镇,如何一点一滴走向新生。恰逢汶川地震10周年的2018,这部纪录片对四川那些同样失去挚爱的父母,也许有一丝光亮的意义。
回复 :东赤胜、朱仲、君孙泰是三个从小一起长大的好朋友,在混乱颠倒的年代里,三个少年混迹街头,穿梭于刀光剑影之中,依靠暴力闯荡江湖。长大后,三人一同拜入全罗道黑帮头目金勇息的门下。十年风雨路,他们对老大忠心耿耿,彼此间的兄弟情谊也愈加深厚。某日,赤胜因刺杀某帮派头目而被判入狱七年,在监狱中他偶然见到原本以为早已死掉的孙泰,大喜过望。另一方面,金勇息并不在乎手下小弟的忠心,这个唯利是图的黑帮分子和赤胜刺杀的帮派头目媾和,由此获取对方迷幻药的经营权,而代价则是除掉赤胜,赤胜的父母也因此身亡。遭到背叛的赤胜和孙泰等狱中好友策划逃亡,而他也将宿命地面对自己的兄弟朱仲……