故事发生在一家复古英式酒店,黄金经理石月(黄才伦 饰),黄金从工作到生活,过得像数学公式,无瑕疵且没毛病,年复一年如出一辙。无聊日子终于被一个意外假期所颠覆,妻子橘子(张慧雯 饰)怀孕、乌龙旅途、神秘房客……匪夷所思的离奇事件不断上演,无趣严谨的生活被打破,通关打怪般的解决危机 ,新生活会不会就在眼前……
故事发生在一家复古英式酒店,黄金经理石月(黄才伦 饰),黄金从工作到生活,过得像数学公式,无瑕疵且没毛病,年复一年如出一辙。无聊日子终于被一个意外假期所颠覆,妻子橘子(张慧雯 饰)怀孕、乌龙旅途、神秘房客……匪夷所思的离奇事件不断上演,无趣严谨的生活被打破,通关打怪般的解决危机 ,新生活会不会就在眼前……
回复 :Wanda's world has been turned upside down when her teenage daughter Nina suddenly turns up in a hijab. Secretly, Nina has converted to Islam; she exclusively eats halal, strictly observes the prayer times and wishes to be called Fatima. Mother of a liberal Viennese patchwork family, Wanda is appalled; she has always strongly stood against religious fanaticism. However, all attempts to make Nina see reason fail. To make matters worse, Wanda's ex-husband has just fathered a child with his latest wife, and Wanda begins to yearn for a time when her only problems were her daughter's truancy and pot smoking. When she meets Hanife, the mother of Nina's Muslim girlfriend, she finds an ally. Hanife, who immigrated to Austria as a child, is determined to save her daughter from the extremely old-fashioned image of women, which Nina is enthusiastically preaching.
回复 :身边有最好的朋友,才算拥有最棒的人生!患难与共的挚友亚瑟跟凯萨,因著一场阴错阳差的误会,凯萨以为亚瑟得了绝症,想陪好友完成所有人生心愿,活出最疯狂的每一天。
回复 :上世纪40年代,理查德·皮蒙特(Ron Livingston 饰)出生在一个平凡却危机重重的家庭里。母亲(Rebecca De Mornay 饰)因连续小产精神上遭受严重的困扰,父亲(Clint Jung 饰)则因一次意外过早地离开人世。一次偶然的机缘,让理查德喜欢上了演讲,虽然学历不高,但是他凭借出色的口才赢得了无数的荣誉。不过他的自傲却遭到一位教授无情的打击,在此之后,理查德自愿前往越南战场,并在那里留下了终身的残疾。回国后,理查德因耳聋的问题无法进入学校,也得不到任何工作。当时的美国社会对残疾人还充满诸多不解,他与许多残疾朋友遇到了无数的刁难和羞辱。在这一过程中,理查德渐渐找到人生前进的方向……