回复 :2012年12月22日凌晨,世界没有毁灭,但人类却正走向灭亡,除非他们找到能够“爱”的能力,无奈很多人已经忘记了曾经笃守与渴望的真爱。漫无目的游荡在大街小巷,恍若行尸走肉。冷峻帅气的杀手良一(杨佑宁 饰)从老板手中接过最后一项任务,即刺杀插画师李蕙(唐嫣 饰)。“世界末日”过后,李蕙仿佛大梦初醒,手里拿着一张模糊的照片,四下里寻找她那从脑海中失落的爱人。那一晚醉酒归家的李蕙,邂逅了以代驾司机出现的良一。近距离的接触,拥有铁石心肠的杀手,却不知为何动了恻隐之心……本片为“美好2012之不可能的可能”中的一部。
回复 :Emma le Roux just wants to go home for the holidays. Gentle, beautiful, pacifist Emma. She's made the trip to her father's farm a thousand times. Piece of cake. But not today. Today she will cross paths with Bosman and Baz and Jay. And Boela and AJ and Piet. Bosman is the mastermind of the drug syndicate. A violent psychopath. Baz and Jay are his henchmen - violent dogs on a short leash. AJ and Boela, spoiled brats looking for validation, are on board to make a quick buck in the criminal underworld. And then there's Piet, the weakling, who is willing to do just about anything for his cousin Bosman. Emma witnesses the murder of a policeman at their hands. And they see her seeing them. Now they're hunting her down like an animal. She's easy prey, after all - it'll all be over soon. The problem is, Emma is the daughter of Jacques le Roux. And Jacques le Roux was a Special Forces soldier. The hunt isn't going according to plan. Everything starts falling apart, and fast. At first they were...
回复 :《蜀山降魔传2》讲述了叛离峨眉的云居雁夜袭峨眉大开杀戒,并抢夺了上古灵珠。昆仑得知峨眉惨况后,昆仑长老断言云居雁想集齐四颗灵石一统三界。掌门萧何只有找到昆仑师叔祖逍遥子,并先于云居雁得到魔龙窟守护的灵珠才能阻止其脚步。而逍遥子在面对萧何等人的请求时,对众人百般刁难,最终答应在收取不菲报酬后,踏上前往魔龙窟的凶途。