欧美In 1999, two friends use a webcam for the first time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be haunted.
欧美In 1999, two friends use a webcam for the first time and stumble across a mysterious browser game that may be haunted.
回复 :Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved stepsisters, Kat is forced into a demoralizing job as a singing elf at billionaire Terrence Wintergardenâ€TMs Santa Land. But there is one bright spot to the job: Nick, the handsome new Santa at the tree lot. When Kat gets invited to the prestigious Wintergarden Christmas Gala, her stepfamily is determined to prevent her from attending and snag their own invitation. Could an attentive dog, a loyal BFF and a sprinkling of holiday magic help turn things around for Kat? Join Laura Marano (Disneyâ€TMs Austin & Ally), Gregg Sulkin (Marvelâ€TMs Runaways) and Isabella Gomez (One Day at a Time) in this modern-day reimagining of the cherished classic, featuring original music and holiday favorites.
回复 :远程集团董事长江达阳因发现自己癌症晚期决定把遗产留给亏欠多年的女儿,并把这一消息透露给世交刚叔(张绍刚饰),不料竟惹来杀身之祸。父亲的意外离世,对江新(彭高唱饰)的打击很大。为还清与父亲关联的债务,江新变卖了所有财产,仅剩一套她日常 居住的别墅。为了维持生计,江新决定将别墅出租。 齐圣(宋木子饰)背景离乡为了替父亲还清医疗费,阴差阳错成为职业讨债人,但是为人善良质朴,从不以卑鄙暴力的手段完成工作, 而是通过不断讲道理摆事实,灌输心里鸡汤的方式去说服欠债人还钱,不曾想憨厚老实的性格却意外结交了同乡莎姐(于莎莎饰)。齐圣坚持做善事是内心强大的根源,从而接受了一个神秘的任务,找到一份遗嘱。 齐圣租下了江新的别墅,江新原本计划离开别墅,不料青梅竹马的初恋情人刚叔的儿子顾胜男(赵诚宇饰)突然回国。自尊心极强的江新怕顾胜男发现自己生活的窘境,决定继续留在别墅里。自此,草根男齐圣与落难江新开始了他们意外同居的生活。
回复 :一個發生在澳洲海邊小鎮的私密情事,兩個從小一起長大的鄰居好友,長大後卻同時愛上了對方血氣方剛、年輕氣盛的兒子。原本不應該發展下去的關係,面對宛如浪潮來襲的情慾激發,終究掀起不可避免的巨大波瀾。娜歐蜜瓦茲與羅蘋萊特大膽投入心靈與身體的演出,將腳色複雜的情緒與充滿力量的身體慾望完整表達,皆是兩者從影以來的代表作。兩位來自澳洲的青澀小生,恣意展露在陽光海水下的完美身體,更成了女性觀眾不可抗拒此片的秀色誘因。透過導演安芳妲的鏡頭捕捉,如中毒般的赤裸情事,交叉激盪出愛情、家庭、道德、與激情的複雜性。