回复 :台灣影帝柯俊雄和張美瑤這對銀色夫妻檔早期的精湛演出,年青時的柯俊雄氣宇非凡,張美瑤楚楚動人,就在電影《落花時節》擦出愛情火花。愛情在戰爭考驗,往往衝擊出可歌可泣的動人一面。光復前一年,天賜(柯俊雄)和好友哲雄(歐威)是醫科同學。哲雄妹妹介紹女友素津給他相睇,哲雄帶天賜同往,天賜本有未婚妻玉蘭,仍對素津一見鍾情,兩人相戀,一次空襲,在小樓發生關係。後來,素津懷孕,天賜以學生軍開拔外島,素津帶兒子去林家被拒。素津為撫養兒子,到酒家墮入賣笑生涯。天賜回家,找不到素津,家人逼天賜迎娶玉蘭。婚前,哲雄帶天賜到酒家消遣,重遇素津……情如落櫻,瞬間難忘。
回复 :Simon Cotton as Ronnie Kray and Kevin Leslie as Reggie Kray , picks up the story of the infamous Firm as the sanity of the two brothers bring uncertainties to the there business plans . now with their empire in place, the brothers must now fight to keep hold of both as the obsession of one police officer becomes undeceived by the dangerous state of mind for Reggie and Ronnie respectively.
回复 :乔治失去父亲后在一个冬天来到祖父母家,通过和一只狗狗的相处获得了成长。