一宗国际名模涉嫌虐待女儿的冤案,偷情竟成了法律界、偷情权贵与名媛之间的角力场!社会金字塔顶层的钟氏家族,如何用尽权力与资源去自保?以林凉水(黄子华 饰)为代表的律师们又如何在重重困难下伸张正义?
一宗国际名模涉嫌虐待女儿的冤案,偷情竟成了法律界、偷情权贵与名媛之间的角力场!社会金字塔顶层的钟氏家族,如何用尽权力与资源去自保?以林凉水(黄子华 饰)为代表的律师们又如何在重重困难下伸张正义?
回复 :With a feel for 1970s dramas and a dash of Swedish film sweetness, "Leather" tells the story of Birch, a young mountain man living in the Catskills, who reconnects with his childhood friend from the city, Andrew.
回复 :故事发生在1973年的格拉斯哥,对于男孩詹姆斯(威廉·艾迪 William Eadie 饰)来说,这个夏天并不好过,炎炎的烈日让人怎么都打不起精神,而清洁工人的大罢工让街道瞬间变成了堆满了腐臭垃圾的垃圾场。当然,这些都不是最重要的,最让詹姆斯寝食难安的是自己的朋友赖安(Thomas McTaggart 饰)的死亡,是他的死和自己有着千丝万缕的联系。透过詹姆斯的眼睛,我们看到了肮脏不堪的世界,但同时,他茫然踌躇的目光里依然饱含着对未来的憧憬和对爱的渴望。在谁也不知道的地方,一颗幼小的灵魂不断的被痛苦纠缠着,磨砺着,作为代价,它将绽放出最最让人惊诧的纯净光芒。
回复 :Two sisters on the cusp of adulthood, Elle and Joy, spend their last week before embarking on their next music tour visiting friends and preparing for the going away party they intend to host. Their apprehensions about throwing the party are universally validated when their divorced mother and father as well as both of their ex-boyfriends converge on the party, leaving tragedy in the wake of what they had envisioned as a unifying celebration. In the aftermath of this fateful night, Elle and Joy are left with the sobering yet liberating truth that they can only rely on one another.