破茧Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison, she discovers relationships, drugs, complex mental illness, and her eventual search for redemption.
破茧Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison for the murder of her abusive stepfather. In the prison, she discovers relationships, drugs, complex mental illness, and her eventual search for redemption.
回复 :A son aspires to follow in his famous MMA father's footsteps, but along his journey must figure out how to break the abusive cycle, if possible, that his father has continued.
回复 :一位年轻的女医师苏珊菲勒,其好朋友因简单的手术而陷入昏迷状态;然而在她服务的医院中,也有许多类似的病人,在经过简单的手术后呈现昏迷, 这些病患被送至另一机构集中照顾,但是苏珊菲勒发现事情并不如她所想......
回复 :安娜与萧雅是大学闺蜜,毕业后又进入同一家公司任职,安娜较强的设计天赋使她晋升极快。宋嘉本赴多年未见的兄弟之约,无奈兄弟薛浩因事未能现身,萧雅在咖啡厅邂逅宋嘉,并花心思接近他。公司即将举行新品发布会,安娜全权负责,因老同学薛浩事从演艺公司,所以受邀帮助安娜,并邀请兄弟宋嘉帮忙进行前期平面拍摄。新品发布会宾客云集,成功扩大订单量。宋嘉携萧雅一同参加,而萧雅看见众星捧月般的安娜而心生妒忌,借口离开。发布会不久后,新品质量出现问题,客户纷纷退货,身为负责人的安娜难辞其咎。她郁闷难平之时幸得薛浩帮助,最终发现真相。