星武A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo nowadays and the real life stories that lie beneath the media coverage.
星武A psychological thriller with aspects of the horror genre, focusing on the lives of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo nowadays and the real life stories that lie beneath the media coverage.
回复 :影片讲述了乡村留守青年黑蛋因被人整骑猪一夜爆火,经不起诱惑,和同村发小等人组建团队,专业拍摄各种作死小视频,在金钱的欲望下渐渐迷失自己,终于有一天黑蛋等人恶搞别人,将人气的心脏病发,终于意识到自己的错误,恰巧此时一伙地痞假意联合黑蛋等人坐慈善活动,其实都是伪慈善,黑蛋等人发觉后毅然和对方决裂,不成想惹来对方不满,带人围殴黑蛋等人,一场大战一触即发,看黑蛋等人如何用土办法自救。
回复 :When the film begins, it is all over. “We know it’s terminal, and that’s all”, says Juliane of her mother Kerstin, who is in great pain and about to die aged just 64. Although the young doctor she consults acknowledges on a personal level that everyone has the right to manage their own death, he nonetheless reminds her that euthanasia is still illegal in Germany. This is even more the case at the Catholic hospice where Kerstin is staying. As relatives come to say goodbye to her mother and the emotions of memories mingle with the anticipation of grief, Juliane finds herself having to do battle with time – unbending, apathetic and monochrome – and this is superbly reflected in the convulsions of the handheld camera in wide shots.Based on personal experience, Jessica Krummacher’s second feature film vividly relates the painful story of losing a parent. There is no violence or morbidity, rather the director describes the most important of events via the smallest, most fragile of details – the exchanging of words, texts and tender gestures that remain with us and get under our skin.
回复 :尼古拉·科斯特-瓦尔道将出演黑色喜剧《小奸小恶》(Small Crimes,暂译),该片由伊万·凯玆执导,梅肯·布莱尔撰写剧本。影片根据大卫·柴尔茨曼同名小说改编,讲述一名因杀人未遂入狱6年的警员,刑满释放回家寻求救赎的故事。本片将于戛纳电影节预售,今夏开拍,预计2017年上映。