回复 :The moon landing in 1969 was one of the greatest feats ever achieved by mankind, an epic journey by three legendary astronauts that tested the limits of human ingenuity. Or was it?In the years since, many theories have arisen that this achievement was faked in what would be one of the greatest hoaxes ever created.In this fascinating series, a team of experts and investigators interview key witnesses and look at all the evidence for both possibilities, to truly separate the facts from the fiction.1. NASA Nazi Conspiracy2. Fire in the Cockpit3. Killing Armstrong4. Conspiracy of the Lost Tapes
回复 : 《奔跑吧》特别季来了!原班人马回归。
回复 :极普通的女子高中生“塚本天满”单恋上了一个同班同学,而不良高中生“播磨 拳儿”却单恋上了天满。故事以这两人为中心,描写了一场恋爱的艰苦战斗,是一部极其精彩 热闹的高中生活恋爱喜剧