回复 :Carl Kolchak is a newspaper reporter with an abrasive personality that has gotten him fired ten times from various big-city papers. Now he's reduced to reporting for a relatively small-time paper in Las Vegas. It's here he gets the story of his life. But will the local sheriff, or the D.A., or even his own boss, let him print it? He has an ally in the FBI agent brought in to investigate this strange case. It seems someone is biting the necks of young girls and draining their blood. Can this killer with supernormal powers really be a 70-year-old Rumanian millionaire? Can he really be a vampire? And can an aging reporter do anything to stop him?
回复 :九州的阿苏地区接二连三出现去世的人重返亲人身边的事情,他们保持死亡之前的样子及记忆,为何能够死而复生?调查员川田平太(草剪刚饰)开始调查这个不可思议事件的产生原因。回到故乡后,平太与已故好友俊介的未婚妻橘葵(竹内结子饰)重逢,橘葵一直希望溺死海中的未婚夫俊介能够回来,强烈的思念使她无法感受到平太的好感。有一天平太终于发现死人复活的秘密:“生者记忆不灭,死者便永存”。一直暗恋着橘葵的平太,心里虽有很大挣扎,但为了完成橘葵心愿,平太还是决定想办法让俊太复活。然而,复活只有三天期限,事实并非表面所见……
回复 :燕清秋康复登台以后,再也没有唱过那出戏,不是因为不敢,而是不愿意再触及那段惊悚血色的回忆。苏月中枪以后,因为子弹偏离心脏半寸,而逃过了一劫。经过法庭审判,苏月被判处终身监禁。半年之后,北平沦陷,大牢也在炮火中塌陷,狱师在收尸的时候,发现苏月已经不知了去向。