回复 :This film is an extremely entertaining psychological thriller with Carrol Baker excellent as a rich American widow getting away from it all at a secluded Italian villa. Enter smart aleck down on his luck playboy, Lou Castel, who has some golddigging motives behind his slick hipster seduction techniques and has no qualms about how he gets what he wants. He encourages Baker's character's incipient alcoholism and dubious self-esteem, brings in his supposed 'sister' to help drag Baker even further into a maze of sick mind games, drug addiction and group sex, all culminating in a descent into near-madness and self-destructive depravity.I won't give away anymore, suffice to say that the film delivers on its swinging sixties, Euro sleaze ambience and psychological suspense thriller credentials in spades. Director Umberto Lenzi's work has been, at best, uneven and he's churned out his share of crap. However, he made some quite good giallos and crime pictures in the sixties and seventies and this is one of them (other good films by Lenzi -- SPASMO, SEVEN BLOODSTAINED ORCHIDS, ASSAULT WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, to name only a few).Unfortunately this film is ofen confused with another okay but not-quite-as-good Lenzi film that was also released briefly here in America under the same PARANOIA title (but is more commonly known, especially on video, as A QUIET PLACE TO KILL).
回复 :老吴(吴耀汉 饰)是一名妇产科医生,他同妻子(冯宝宝 饰)结婚多年,感情依然美满如初。尽管生活不易,妻子和孩子们又要求多多,但老吴还是凭借着自己的努力不断的满足着他们提出的一个又一个愿望。为了丰富业余生活,老吴的妻子参加了话剧团,让老吴没有想到的是,话剧团的导演(楼南光 饰)竟然对妻子一见钟情,展开了热烈的追求。而一个误会又让老吴以为妻子接受了导演的追求,红杏出墙,这可急坏了老吴。老吴找到了自己的孩子们,让他们给自己出谋划策,想要挽回妻子的芳心,于是,在话剧演出中,一场充满了意外和笑料的机智闹剧就此上演。
回复 :兔八哥系列全员都将出现在这个全新的动画冒险旅程中。冒险始于一种非常罕见的,同时也是高度危险的欧库塔花,当美丽的香水销售女孩萝拉兔子因为工作出问题而被老板炒了鱿鱼,没有工作的她独自打车回家。路上她遇到了兔八哥司机,由于忘了带钱萝拉请求司机在她家楼下等她回家拿钱。这个时候房东出游回来了,把欧库塔花当做礼物送给萝拉,她万分高兴,甚至还想用这种神奇的花制作香水……