夺宝Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world.
夺宝Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world.
回复 :A group of superstar influencers are drawn to a reclusive billionaire's mansion only to find themselves trapped in the lair of an evil vampire. The only way out is to be saved by a famous online gamer and an old school vampire hunter.
回复 :唐朝末年,昆仑山昆吾阁长老皇甫颠有感妖族破坏龙脉,带领弟子门人前去与千年树妖斗法。不想树妖吸收魔物万魄玄阴珠后实力大增,昆无阁一众损伤殆尽。为保存实力、扭转危局,皇甫颠耗尽法力启动飞流法阵,将大弟子寻荼与女弟子楚灵儿送回到三日前的磐石镇,希望在树妖得到玄阴珠前将其消灭。小人物李元基和他的伙伴们遇到楚灵儿与寻荼,卷入了与树妖等魔道的较量,在与魔道对抗的过程中逐渐成长,改变了事不关己高高挂起的小市民心态,肩负起匡扶正义的使命,最终为拯救百姓而做出自我牺牲,打败魔道,成为大漠英雄。
回复 :影片讲述了乡村留守青年黑蛋因被人整骑猪一夜爆火,经不起诱惑,和同村发小等人组建团队,专业拍摄各种作死小视频,在金钱的欲望下渐渐迷失自己,终于有一天黑蛋等人恶搞别人,将人气的心脏病发,终于意识到自己的错误,恰巧此时一伙地痞假意联合黑蛋等人坐慈善活动,其实都是伪慈善,黑蛋等人发觉后毅然和对方决裂,不成想惹来对方不满,带人围殴黑蛋等人,一场大战一触即发,看黑蛋等人如何用土办法自救。