回复 :Nothing compares to the magic and excitement of the holidays in New York City, where the streets blaze with lights, windows dazzle and a special box from Tiffany could change the course of a person’s life. Or several lives. Rachel and Gary (Zoey Deutch, Ray Nicholson) are happy enough but not quite ready for that big commitment. Ethan and Vanessa (Kendrick Smith Sampson, Shay Mitchell), the perfect picture, are just about to make it official. When a simple mix-up of gifts causes all of their paths to cross, it sets off a series of twists and unexpected discoveries that lead them where they’re truly meant to be. Because love – like life – is full of surprises, in the holiday romance Something from Tiffany’s.
回复 :这部体育剧集将让观众全方位密切关注美国国家女子足球队的球员和教练,并揭示这支足球史上获奖最多的球队的内幕。观众将亲眼目睹这些世界级运动员在为三连冠而奋斗的过程中所经历的压力、兴奋、喜悦和艰辛。随着故事的展开,伤害、批评和质疑、同工同酬和维护遗产等问题都浮出水面。该剧集将捕捉所有个人和团队在通往 2023 年国际足联世界杯的道路上的准备工作。在整个比赛过程中,观众将了解到这支球队如何站在前辈的肩膀上,以及她们如何继续打破阻碍未来女性体育平等的无形障碍
回复 :影片讲述了民国时期,精武门弟子陈真在日本潜心学习工业技术,隐姓埋名,低调行事。千代忍不断挑衅,导致陈真的朋友们先后牺牲。最后千代忍猥亵陈真的爱人光子,陈真不再忍耐,单打独斗战胜十几人,用中国武术守义卫族的故事。影片从陈真面对千代忍挑衅的竭力隐忍,面对同胞被欺凌的愤然出手,面对爱人光子的小心呵护等多个角度塑造了正义隐忍的民族英雄形象。