回复 :ISABEL SULLIVAN (15) has just moved to a small town to live with her uncle PAUL who is the town's mayor. Isabel has recently lost her parents in a car accident. Feeling very alone and friendless, Isabel befriends a stray robot dog named ARCHIE. Though he looks like a normal dog, he is anything but. He can talk. He can run at blinding speed. He's got super strength and x-ray vision. Isabel and Archie become fast friends. She teaches him how to be a normal dog while he helps her to fit in with the cool kid clique. Most of all, Isabel can confide in Archie about what happened to her parents. Archie can relate. He's never had a family - until now. As the summer progresses, things start to get tricky. Paul is up for re-election and finds himself running against VERONICA TAYLOR who happens to be in cahoots with BURGERTROPOLIS - a national fast food franchise that has been trying to buy Paul out for years. What's worse, an evil man named HUGH JABLONSKI shows up in town claiming to be ...
回复 :五百年前,天玄大师大师将万妖之王封印,换来了盛世太平。然而好景不长,原本安宁的归元镇上妖异四伏,霍乱再起。为了守护正义与和平,年轻的捉妖师们跃跃欲试。一个梦想成为“天下第一捉妖师”的少年钱有道从中脱颖而出,他与女扮男装的“师弟”袁相宜不打不相识,并在师傅瑞天的带领下踏上了斩妖除魔的冒险征途。但随着一桩奇案的落幕,他们发现了一个不为人知的惊天秘密……
回复 :弘治七年,皇上在全国范围内大选妃子。来自同村的两位少女鸳鸯(黄婉君饰)和珠珠(黄婉伶饰)相助于危险的夜路,遂互称姐妹,共赴皇宫。对于少女们来说,如果成功当选皇妃,无论富贵贫贱都可飞上枝头当凤凰,自然竞争激烈,条件也很苛刻。不光自身条件要好,还要经过严格的培训与层层考试。但更加残酷的其实是她们各自之间的勾心斗角、尔虞我诈。面对种种的困难与危险,鸳鸯与珠珠能否闯过难关?而面对这残酷的竞争,她们的友情是否会改变呢?