回复 :In an abandoned theater, French actress Marina Vlady recites from Borges' "The Immortal"... Japanese research scientist Shin Kubota sings praises to the "immortal jellyfish"... Milan Duomo workers subject the cathedral's exquisite statues to perpetual regeneration... Swiss musician/inventors Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer persistently refine their percussion instrument, the Hang... Native American community leaders Leola One Feather and Moses Brings Plenty preserve the centuries-old spiritual resistance of their tribe...Filmmakers Massimo D'Anolfi and Martina Parenti pay tribute to humankind's aspirations for immortality by showing us a portrait of our efforts to overcome our own limits. They share their discoveries in a visual symphony to the power and harmony of nature's elements: water, earth, air and fire. From Milan to Wounded Knee, USA, from Bern to Shirahama, Japan, the traces of the filmmakers' travels spiral into a symbol of perfection and infinity: Spira Mirabilis.
回复 :本片改编自深町秋生同名小说。冈田准一将扮演潜入黑社会的原刑警兼高昭吾。兼高在失去自己的爱人之后,无法自拔,陷入深渊。成为了一个为了复仇而活着的人。警方利用他的精神状态,强行让其潜入黑社会...坂口健太郎则将饰演黑道组织成员室岡秀喜。
回复 :2012年底,緬甸政府軍與少數民族克欽獨立軍開戰後,許多原本與政府簽訂了合約、合法開採玉石的財團,被迫停止開採,綿延上百公里的玉礦區變成了戰區。緬甸全國各地的工人,湧入克欽省玉礦區,非法開挖玉石。他們冒著被軍警逮捕、被土石掩埋的危險,只為了挖到上等玉石,過上好日子